Welcome to all new members!

Thanks! And welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay :wink:

Hello, slowcheetah, and welcome! Thanks for your kind words - they’re always appreciated, if not always acknowledged.


Hi All

I just registered to the forum. I’ll tell you a little about me, I’m a programmer working in Somerset west in the cape. I’ve always loved Science, recently friends and family of mine went to a Detox thing where they Detox you buy putting you feet in a bath with some electrodes. To say the least I was skeptic, in my case to prove to prove my point I ended up searching the net for material on this. I ended up to listening to podcast like skeptoid and Skepticast. I’m an avid listeners to these weekly and have become quite interested in being more skeptic and being more vocal when I see blatant pseudo science being sold to the general public.

In any case this followed me to ending on this forum to see what the rest of the skeptics in South Africa is up to.

Hi, and welcome :wink:
Glad you found your way here.

One question: why is sceptic misspelt skeptic in the American fashion? Are we to be made to spell honour, humour and colour without the u as well? Or, Odin help us, describe our waistcoats as vests.

US & UK: a nation divided by a common language.

One question: why is sceptic misspelt skeptic in the American fashion?

Dunno. But whenever I see it spelt with a c, “bacterial infection” somehow springs to mind.


Misspelt? Probably depends where you are when you read it ;):stuck_out_tongue:

I chose skeptic because most of the online skeptical movements use that spelling. Also I don’t like the look of the word sceptic (probably because the letter c is not common in afrikaans ;))
You will be glad to know that invoking Odin is not nessasary, since any spelling is fine, color, referer, waistcoats, whatever…

I agree, not for any other reason other than I think skeptic with k just looks cooler. ::slight_smile:

Welcome. I like you already. To answer your question, it’s because intellectual terrorists such as we, like their more physical counterparts, blend into whatever cover their surroundings offer. Who in their right mind could deny that it’s prudent to avoid cavillery over the rigours and organisation of whisky and aluminium?


And for this Southerner[Ga.], t’is good to exchange opinions with y’all!
T’is convenient to use skeptic,eh?, mates? I’m an inter-patriot: I salute all nations and people.
Thanks to Pres. Mandela and Pres. de Klerk and Pres.Gorbachev and Pre. Yeltsine for the sake of the world as well for their great countries!

Ah so good to find a local skeptic site. I have been posting on the JREF forum for some years now. Mostly on 9/11 conspiracies etc, but also religious issues as well. Only came across this, while researching some aspects of Angus Buchan. Very happy to see something with some local flavour!

Daar’s hy - A big welcome here! :slight_smile:


Odd, I also stumbled upon this site curtesy Angus. :-\

Welcome here!

My first visit had nothing to do with Angus whatsoever. Is he the guy with the big revival meetings?

Amen Brother, the one and only… He surrounds himself with the “MANNE” (with a curtesy service thrown in for the women on the given Sunday - for which they (the women) are eternally grateful)

Great to find this forum and happy to be here.

Welcome Carina, hope you enjoy it here. 8)

Welcome, welcome!

Love that the ladies are joining!


This is the internet, you don’t know that. :stuck_out_tongue: